Timeline for your Brand

By Bigfork Web Development | March 30, 2012

We are excited to get started with the new Timeline.  We have been totally geeking out with  ideas  and are excited to see what other brands do as well. From what we have seen so far we think there are some pretty great features and...

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2011 Summary

By Bigfork Web Development | January 10, 2012

Happy 2012 to all of clients and friends of BWD! We are grateful for our work with you in 2011 and would like to wish you a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year. We are lucky to have some exciting projects coming our way in 2012...

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Google+ Pages Now Open For Businesses, Brands, & Places!

By Bigfork Web Development | November 21, 2011

Do you already have a Google+ page?  Now you can have one for your business too! Google+ Business Pages have finally been released out into the social networking world.  Google is now allowing businesses, brands and any non-human entity to participate in its Google social...

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Here We Go Again – Facebook Changes

By Bigfork Web Development | October 18, 2011

How many of you have been overwhelmed by all the new Facebook changes? You may have heard a lot of Buzz about the new ‘Timeline’ feature that was supposed to launch recently.  This is a stream of information about you: the photos you’ve posted, all...

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Google Places – Help your business stand out!

By Bigfork Web Development | October 14, 2011

Claim Your Listing! Have you heard about Google Places? Google Places offers a service that helps your business stand out in local search results and increases your place ranking. 97% of consumers search for local businesses online: you can increase your chances that they find...

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Real Life Sharing

By Bigfork Web Development | October 7, 2011

So far I have been impressed by Google Plus. I really like the Google’s Circles feature, you can create and name your own circles, that way you are sharing the right stuff with the right people!  I love the fact that all the photos and videos...

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