SEO is an abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization.  This is the process of structuring a web page so that it is found effectively and indexed by search engines.

Why is SEO so powerful?

Think of your website as a physical store or restaurant with wonderful products but no one can easily find the location.  Even if you have a strong loyal following by word of mouth, think of all the potential people you may be missing out on.  Most of us will not survive as long as we want if new customers are unable to find us.

The same exact situation can happen with your website.  You would think existing customers and those who are already familiar with your company should be able to find your site without any great difficulty, but this may not be the case.  Not everyone will directly type your correct company’s name in their search bar.

Here are five tips to consider for increasing your SEO performance so you don’t lose out on sales and potential customers:

  1. Update keyword research. Popular search terms change.  If you’re ranking well for keywords that have lost strategic value, all you’re doing is attracting visits from the wrong prospects.
  2. Update title tags and content. It may be necessary to rewrite pages to make the new keywords completely      relevant.
  3. Add new pages for additional keyword terms. Google loves fresh content.  Add pages or a blog.
  4. Run an SEO diagnostic. Google’s Webmaster Tools is a great, free online resource that itemizes your site’s SEO issues making cleanup easy for you or your developer.
  5. Set up a good internal linking system. The pages you link to most often on your site are the ones Google thinks are most important.

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